Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hi Dana,
How are you doing way down there where it is hot and humid and those hurricanes knock on your door. I bet the hot and humid weather is getting to you being pregnant. Don't worry about the 9 pound baby- my father-in-law was 14 pound and he had a brother that was 16 pounds and that was way back and she had them natural can you believe that? So I figure 9 pounds should be a breeze with all they have today to help you along. And think about it, a healthy 9 pound is a lot better than having a premmie. Just remember, we'll all be thinking about you and will all say a prayer for an easy birth--- so let us all know as soon as the happy day comes. Have a great time being a mother, enhoy every second, they grow up so fast. Be sure daddy enjoys all he can too, Father and Son can be so special. Okay, enough of me now, time to go play with Jan's beautiful doggies.
Love you,
Cousin Betty Jane

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